Intensidad y calendario de la movilidad residencial en la Unión Europea

Producció científica: Contribució a una revistaArticleRecercaAvaluat per experts


This work aims at analysing the differences in the residential behaviour of the population living in thirteen countries of the European Union. The paper is based on data extracted from the European Community Household Panel, an European survey that contains the same social and demographic information for all the member countries. This investigation comprises two main topics. First, the analysis of the level of residential mobility among all the selected countries, and second, the study about the influence of age and life cycle in people's residential behaviour. The comparative approach to both topics points out the existence of many differences in the residential behaviour of Europeans. In this way, the conclusions of this work are about an heterogeneous European map where there are many contrasts between the behaviour of Northern and Southern people.
Títol traduït de la contribucióIntensity and timing of the residential mobility in the European Union
Idioma originalSpanish
RevistaScripta Nova. (Ejemplar dedicado a: La planificación territorial y el urbanismo desde el diálogo y la participación. Número extraordinario dedicado al XI Coloquio Internacional de Geocrítica)
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2004


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