Group Strategy-Proof Social Choice Functions with Binary Ranges and Arbitrary Domains: Characterization Results

Salvador Barberà*, Dolors Berga, Bernardo Moreno

*Autor corresponent d’aquest treball

Producció científica: Contribució a una revistaArticleRecercaAvaluat per experts

17 Cites (Scopus)
1 Descàrregues (Pure)


We define different concepts of group strategy-proofness for social choice functions. We discuss the connections between the defined concepts under different assumptions on their domains of definition. We characterize the social choice functions that satisfy each one of them and whose ranges consist of two alternatives, in terms of two types of basic properties. Finally, we obtain the functional form of all rules satisfying our strongest version of group strategy-proofness.

Idioma originalEnglish
Pàgines (de-a)791-808
RevistaInternational Journal of Game Theory
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - de des. 2012


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  • Diseño institucional y buenas prácticas de gobierno: teoría, aplicaciones y simulación. INDAGO

    Barberà, S. (Investigador/a principal), Ayllon Aragon, G. (Becari/a), Balart Castro, P. (Becari/a), Caramuta ., D. (Becari/a), Filippos , L. (Becari/a), Gjorgjiev, R. (Becari/a), Li , N. (Becari/a), Merlino , L. P. (Becari/a), Ozturk , T. (Becari/a), Bervoets ., S. J. (Investigador/a contractat/da), Beviá Baeza, M. D. C. (Investigador/a contractat/da), Ballester Oyarzun, M. A. (Investigador/a), Brown, D. J. (Investigador/a), Calsamiglia Costa, C. (Investigador/a), Coelho, D. (Investigador/a), Flamand ., S. (Investigador/a), Groenert ., V. (Investigador/a), Haeringer , G. (Investigador/a), Jackson, M. O. (Investigador/a), Massó, J. (Investigador/a), Miralles Asensio, A. (Investigador/a), Mukherjee ., S. (Investigador/a), Neme, A. (Investigador/a), Nicolo, A. (Investigador/a), Nozomu , M. (Investigador/a) & Vila Carnicero, F. J. (Investigador/a)

    Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)


    Projecte: Projectes i Ajuts a la Recerca

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