title = "Estimating actual evapotranspiration by means of remote sensing data and sap flow measurements in pinus sylvestris forest stands in a mediterranean mountain region",
abstract = "The aim of this study is to monitor daily actual evapotranspiration (AETd) in Pinus sylvestris forest stands using a simplified methodology. To compute AETd we have followed the B-method, which is based on the energy budget, using a series of TERRA/AQUA MODIS and Landsat-5 TM as Remote Sensing data from 2003 to 2004. We have compared Remote Sensing AETd estimates with sap flux measurements obtaining a RMSE of 0.78 mm in the case of Landsat data, 0.93 mm in the case of TERRA MODIS and 0.91 mm in the case of TERRA AQUA using a variable B parameter in AETd modeling.",
keywords = "Evapotranspiration modelling, Landsat, Mediterranean region, MODIS, Pinus sylvestris, Sap flow",
author = "J. Crist{\'o}bal and M. Ninyerola and X. Pons and R. Poyatos and P. Llorens",
year = "2007",
doi = "10.1109/IGARSS.2007.4423535",
language = "Ingl{\'e}s estadounidense",
isbn = "1424412129",
series = "International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)",
type = "Other",