Efectos de la utilización de juegos educativos en la enseñanza de las matemáticas

Producció científica: Contribució a una revistaArticleRecercaAvaluat per experts


This article includes some of the possible consequences of using educational games in the teaching-learning process of mathematics. Insofar as learning is concerned, we present some results of researchs on the effects produced on students by the use of games of mathematics; we can point out specially those that stimulate the interest and develop positive attitudes towards mathematics. Moreover, as a tutorial tool, we have to think about their possible uses in one or more of the following objectives; 1. To develop concepts or conceptual structures of mathematics. 2. To provide exercises for practising algorithms as well as encouraging experimenting. 3. To develop perceptive and reasoning skills. 4. To afford opportunities for the use of logical thought and heuristic techniques appropiate for solving problems. The rest of the article, expresses the opinion of teachers who have used educational games with their students. In this way, and purely as an example, we include opinions about the entertainment-value, usefulness, difficulty and importance that this activity arouses in students. In addition, we include opinions about the improvements which can be obtained in teaching using games of mathematics. Furthermore, we point out improvements such as student motivation, building of tutoria1 resources, use of other teaching methods, relationships vis-a-vis, student and colleagues and work planning.
Idioma originalSpanish
Pàgines (de-a)105-118
Nombre de pàgines14
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1990

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