A Phase II Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Prasinezumab in Early Parkinson's Disease (PASADENA) : Rationale, Design, and Baseline Data

Jaime Kulisevsky, Gennaro Pagano, Frank Boess, Kirsten I. Taylor, Benedicte Ricci, Brit Mollenhauer, Werner Poewe, Anne Boulay, Judith Anzures-Cabrera, Annamarie Vogt, Maddalena Marchesi, Anke Post, Tania Nikolcheva, Gene G. Kinney, Wagner M. Zago, Daniel K. Ness, Hanno Svoboda, Markus Britschgi, Susanne Ostrowitzki, Tanya SimuniKenneth Marek, Martin Koller, Jeff Sevigny, Rachelle Doody, Paulo Fontoura, Daniel Umbricht, Azad Bonni, Claudia Altendorf, Chareyna Anandan, Giulia Andrews, Solène Ansquer, Raphaele Arrouasse, Sana Aslam, Jean-Philippe Azulay, Jeanette Baker, Ernest Balaguer Martinez, Shadi Barbu, Kara Bardram, Danny Bega, Helena Bejr-Kasem Marco, Isabelle Benatru, Eve Benchetrit, Felix Bernhard, Amir Besharat, Sagari Bette, Amelie Bichon, Andrew Billnitzer, Sophie Blondeau, Thomas Boraud, Freiderike Borngräber, James Boyd, Kathrin Brockmann, Matthew Brodsky, Ethan Brown, Christof Bruecke, Fabienne Calvas, Monica Canelo, Federico Carbone, Claire Carroll, Laura Casado Fernandez, Catherine Cassé-Perrot, Anna Castrioto, Helene Catala, Justine Chan, Samia Cheriet, Aanthony Ciabarra, Joseph Classen, Juliana Coleman, Robert Coleman, Y. Compta, A.G. Corbillé, Jean-Christophe Corvol, Marina Cosgaya, N. Dahodwala, P. Damier, E. David, T. Davis, M. Dean, B. Debilly, J. DeGiorgio, A. Deik, L. Delaby, M.H. Delfini, Pascal Derkinderen, P. Derost, María de Toledo, L. Deuel, A.M. Diaz-Hernandez, C. Dietiker, K. Dimenshteyn, J. Dotor, F. Durif, J. Ebentheuer, K.M. Eggert, Sara Eichau Madueño, C. Eickhoff, A. Ellenbogen, P. Ellmerer, Inés Esparragosa Vazquez, A. Eusebio, S. Ewert, J. Fang, D. Feigenbaum, F. Fluchere, A. Foubert-Samier, M. Fournier, A. Fradet, V. Fraix, Samuel Frank, F. Fries, M. Galitzky, Marisol Gallardo Pérez, J.M.G. Moreno, Carmen Gasca, T. Gasser, J. Gibbons, C. Giordana, Alicia González Martinez, I. Goodman, A. Gorospe, M. Goubeaud, D. Grabli, M. Graziella, S. Grimaldi, J. Gross, R. Guimaraes-Costa, Andreas Hartmann, C. Hartmann, T. Hassell, R. Hauser, Antonio Hernandez, Jorge Hernandez-Vara, G. Hoeglinger, C. Homedes, Andrea Horta, J.L. Houeto, J. Huebl, J. Hui, S. Isaacson, J. Jankovic, A. Janzen, J. Jauregui, J. Jiao, María José Martí Domenech, X. Joseph, S. Kadimi, P. Kaminski, S. Kannenberg, J. Kassubek, M. Katz, K. Klos, S. Klos, C. Kobet, J. Koebert, P. Krause, A. Kuehn, R. Kumar, M. Kunz, L. Kurvits, K. Kwei, S. Laganiere, B. Laurens, J. Levin, O. Levy, P. LeWitt, G.L. Cristóbal, I. Litvan, K. Lizarraga, K. Longardner, Rocío Lopez, Lydia López Manzanares, Sara Lucas del Pozo, María Rosario Luquín Pulido, N. Luthra, K. Lyons, S. Maass, G. Machetanz, Y Macías, D. Maltete, Jorge Uriel Manez Miro, Louise-Laure Mariani, Juan Marin, K. Marini, Ana Marques, Gloria Marti, María José Martí Domenech, Saul Martinez, W. Meissner, S. Meoni, B. Mollenhauer, D.M. Martinez, J. Moon, Elena Moro, P. Morrison, C. Muehlberg, M. Multani, C. Murphy, A. Nicholas, R. Pahwa, Antoni Palasí Franco, H. Pape, N. Patel, P. Patel, M. Peball, E. Peckham, T. Peery, Rafael Perez, Jesús Perez, Alisa Petit, E. Pinkhardt, W. Poewe, E. Pomies, C. Preterre, J. Quinn, O. Rascol, P. Remy, I. Richard, B. Roeben, E. Ruether, J.J. Rumpf, D. Russell, H. Salhi, D. Samaniego-Toro, A. Samier-Foubert, Antonio Sánchez, E. Schmitt, A. Schnitzler, O. Schorr, J. Schwartzbard, K. Schweyer, K. Seppi, V. Sergo, H. Shill, A. Siderowf, T. Simuni, U. Spampinato, A. Sriram, N. Stover, C. Tanner, A. Tarakad, C. Taylor, C. Thalamus, T. Toothaker, N. Van Blercom, N. Vanegas-Arrogave, Lydia Vela, S. Vergnet, T. Vidal, J. Vöglein, R. Walsh, C. Waters, M. Wegscheider, E. Weidinger, C. Weill, G. Wenzel, T. Witjas, I. Wurster, B. Wright, M. Zimmermann, R. Zuzuarregui, M. Abt, A. Bamdadian, T. Barata, N. Barbet, S. Belli, Frank Boess, Azad Bonni, E. Borroni, A. Boulay, M. Britschgi, J. Chague, V. Cosson, C. Czech, D. Deptula, C. Diack, R. Doody, J. Dukart, G. D'Urso, S. Dziadek, H. Eddleston, C. Edgar, L. Essioux, M. Farell, R. Finch, P. Fontoura, W. Gruenbauer, Andreas Hahn, S. Holiga, M. Honer, S. Jadidi, K. Johnson-Wood, M. Keller, T. Kilchenmann, M. Koller, T. Kremer, T. Kustermann, C. Landsdall, M. Lindemann, F. Lipsmeier, C. Luzy, M. Manchester, M. Marchesi, F. Martenyi, M. Martin-Facklam, K. Mironova, A. Monnet, E. Moore, D.K. Ness, M. Niggli, T. Nikolcheva, S. Ostrowitzki, G. Pagano, B. Passmard, A. Poirier, A. Post, M. Prasad, N. Pross, T. Quock, B. Ricci, E. Rose, C. Sarry, C. Schubert, D. Selkoe, J. Sevigny, K. Sink, H. Staunton, T. Steven, A. Strasak, H. Svoboda, K. Taylor, R. Tripuraneni, D. Trundell, D. Umbricht, L. Verselis, A. Vogt, E. Volkova-Volkmar, C. Weber, S. Weber, W. Zago

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50 Cites (Scopus)


Background: Currently available treatments for Parkinson's disease (PD) do not slow clinical progression nor target alpha-synuclein, a key protein associated with the disease. Objective: The study objective was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of prasinezumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody that binds aggregated alpha-synuclein, in individuals with early PD. Methods: The PASADENA study is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled treatment study. Individuals with early PD, recruited across the US and Europe, received monthly intravenous doses of prasinezumab (1,500 or 4,500 mg) or placebo for a 52-week period (Part 1), followed by a 52-week extension (Part 2) in which all participants received active treatment. Key inclusion criteria were: aged 40-80 years; Hoehn & Yahr (H&Y) Stage I or II; time from diagnosis ≤2 years; having bradykinesia plus one other cardinal sign of PD (e.g., resting tremor, rigidity); DAT-SPECT imaging consistent with PD; and either treatment naïve or on a stable monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) inhibitor dose. Study design assumptions for sample size and study duration were built using a patient cohort from the Parkinson's Progression Marker Initiative (PPMI). In this report, baseline characteristics are compared between the treatment-naïve and MAO-B inhibitor-treated PASADENA cohorts and between the PASADENA and PPMI populations. Results: Of the 443 patients screened, 316 were enrolled into the PASADENA study between June 2017 and November 2018, with an average age of 59.9 years and 67.4% being male. Mean time from diagnosis at baseline was 10.11 months, with 75.3% in H&Y Stage II. Baseline motor and non-motor symptoms (assessed using Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale [MDS-UPDRS]) were similar in severity between the MAO-B inhibitor-treated and treatment-naïve PASADENA cohorts (MDS-UPDRS sum of Parts I + II + III [standard deviation (SD)]; 30.21 [11.96], 32.10 [13.20], respectively). The overall PASADENA population (63.6% treatment naïve and 36.4% on MAO-B inhibitor) showed a similar severity in MDS-UPDRS scores (e.g., MDS-UPDRS sum of Parts I + II + III [SD]; 31.41 [12.78], 32.63 [13.04], respectively) to the PPMI cohort (all treatment naïve). Conclusions: The PASADENA study population is suitable to investigate the potential of prasinezumab to slow disease progression in individuals with early PD. Trial Registration: NCT03100149.
Idioma originalAnglès
RevistaFrontiers in Neurology
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2021


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