2004-3043/001-001. Analysis of teachers training for ICT Higher Education: European Project ELene-TT (e-Learning network for Teacher Training

T. Guasch, A. Espasa, A. Sangrá, Ibis Marlene Alvarez Valdivia

Producció científica: Llibre/InformeInforme oficial


This paper wants to gather theoretical and practical contributions about teaching training practices that incorporate and promote the use of ICT in order to clarify, facilitate and make coherent the design of Higher Education Teachers Training with ICT. Its purpose is to find training alternatives that fulfil teacher's educational needs, as well as to overcome or lessen the difficulties and/or unwillingness faced in the educational practice when introducing ICT applications. To elaborate this analysis two research procedures have been integrated (a) A systematised analysis of current theorists was made. These approach the issue of the academic training in the prevailing growing tendency to the introduction to ICT in teaching and learning environments of higher education (Chikering & Gams
Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
Nombre de pàgines0
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de gen. 2006

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