Detalls del projecte
The WAKEMEUP project objective is to set-up a pilot line for advanced microcontrollers with embedded non-volatile memory, design and manufacturing for the prototyping of innovative applications for the smart mobility and smart society domains.
The already defined microcontrollers with 40nm embedded flash technology will be consolidated to build a solid manufacturing platform. Additional developments will be performed for the integration of memory, power management, connectivity, hard security on the same chip.
The project will also target the industrialization of the embedded Phase Change Memory (PCM) technology built on top of the FDSOI 28nm logic process pilot line. The development of the ePCM will be driven by the final application requirements as well as decreasing the power consumption.
The alternative memory solutions will be also studied as they have different - and complementary - traits in such areas as read/write speed, power and energy consumption, retention and endurance, and device density and benchmarked with the ePCM and the conventional eFlash. Continued advances in materials, device physics, architectures and design could further reduce the energy consumption of these memories.
To achieve this goal of generating high value added semiconductor circuits in Europe in a breakthrough leading edge technology the project will deploy all the necessary activities to bring a new technology to an early industrial maturity stage. These activities encompass such developments as: technology enhancements for various specific application requirements such as wide temperature range and reliability, high security requests, high flexibility…, design enablment allowing first time silicon success, prototyping demonstrator products in the different application areas.
In the WAKEMEUP project, new devices and systems will be developed by the application partners in automotive and secure based on FD-SOI and embedded digital technology to answer specific applications needs.
The already defined microcontrollers with 40nm embedded flash technology will be consolidated to build a solid manufacturing platform. Additional developments will be performed for the integration of memory, power management, connectivity, hard security on the same chip.
The project will also target the industrialization of the embedded Phase Change Memory (PCM) technology built on top of the FDSOI 28nm logic process pilot line. The development of the ePCM will be driven by the final application requirements as well as decreasing the power consumption.
The alternative memory solutions will be also studied as they have different - and complementary - traits in such areas as read/write speed, power and energy consumption, retention and endurance, and device density and benchmarked with the ePCM and the conventional eFlash. Continued advances in materials, device physics, architectures and design could further reduce the energy consumption of these memories.
To achieve this goal of generating high value added semiconductor circuits in Europe in a breakthrough leading edge technology the project will deploy all the necessary activities to bring a new technology to an early industrial maturity stage. These activities encompass such developments as: technology enhancements for various specific application requirements such as wide temperature range and reliability, high security requests, high flexibility…, design enablment allowing first time silicon success, prototyping demonstrator products in the different application areas.
In the WAKEMEUP project, new devices and systems will be developed by the application partners in automotive and secure based on FD-SOI and embedded digital technology to answer specific applications needs.
Acrònim | WAKeMeUP |
Estatus | Acabat |
Data efectiva d'inici i finalització | 1/05/18 → 31/08/21 |
Socis col·laboradors
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- Ustav Theorie Informace a Automatizace AV CR, v.v.i. (UTIA) (Soci projecte)
- Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (Soci projecte)
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (Soci projecte)
- Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research (Soci projecte)
- Türkiye bilimsel ve teknik arastirma kurumu (TUBITAK) (Soci projecte)
- Technischen Universität Darmstadt (Darmstadt University of Technology) (TU Darmstadt) (Soci projecte)
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) (Soci projecte)
- Stmicroelectronics Crolles (Coordinador) (guia)
- Continental Teves AG & CO. OHG (Soci projecte)
- Institut of Microelectronics Applications (Soci projecte)
- Stmicroelectronics Rousset SAS (Soci projecte)
- Stmicroeletronics Grenoble 2 SAS (Soci projecte)
- Stmicroeletronics Grand Ouest SAS (Soci projecte)
- Pfeiffer Vacuum (Soci projecte)
- STmicroelectonics SA Montrouge (Soci projecte)
- X-FAB Dresden GmbH & co (Soci projecte)
- Melexis GmbH (Soci projecte)
- Thales Dis France (Soci projecte)
- Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) (Soci projecte)
- X-FAB France (Soci projecte)
- Comissió Europea (CE): 24.441.000,00 €
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