VACCINES: Pathogenesis, epidemiology, immunopathology, and diagnosis of PMWS, an emerging disease caused by a new porcine circovirus.Develop. of recombinant.

Detalls del projecte


Post weaning multi systemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) is an emerging disease of pigs, first recognised in 1996,caused presumably by the porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV 2). The disease is spreading rapidly in several European countries affected and is becoming a primary cause of economical loss. The main objectives of the project are (i) to obtain bacis knowledge of the pathogenesis, epidemiology, and immunopathology of PCV infection and PWMS; (ii) to develop tools for diagnosis of the infection; (iii) to identify proper vaccines prototypes by using conventional and DNA-recombinant technology; (iv) to evaluate the possible risk of PCV for humans, and; (v) to develop tools and criteria for assure quality and control of porcine reagent currently used in pig industry in respect to PCV. The design of prototype vaccines is a major milestone in the project.
Data efectiva d'inici i finalització1/01/0030/06/03

Socis col·laboradors

  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) (Coordinador) (guia)
  • Fort Dodge Veterinaria, S.A. (Soci projecte)
  • Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments (Soci projecte)
  • Robert Koch-Institut (Soci projecte)


  • Comissió Europea (CE): 1.199.470,00 €


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