Detalls del projecte
Tackling the problem of the involvement of European citizens in shaping their future, the project analyses electoral participation and abstention in systems of multi-level governance, using three research strategies, each implemented at the leading edge of methodology: survey research; aggregate-data analysis; communication research. The support of the Commission and the EP for the insertion of questions in the Euro barometer of autumn 1999 for the project has been obtained. Project phases are; theoretical and methodological development; aggregate, individual and contextual data preparation; analysis and interpretation; and preparation on final reports. The results will have a major impact on our theoretical understanding and methodological approach to the problem; on database access and standards; and on policy. The latter will be achieved by close liaison with a user group and via a final policy report.
Estatus | Acabat |
Data efectiva d'inici i finalització | 1/03/00 → 28/02/03 |
Socis col·laboradors
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) (Norsk samfunnsvitenskapelig datatjeneste AS) (Soci projecte)
- European University Institute (EUI) (Soci projecte)
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (Soci projecte)
- University of Plymouth (Soci projecte)
- Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Soci projecte)
- Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvAM) (Soci projecte)
- University College Dublin (UCD) (Coordinador) (guia)
- Aarhus University (Soci projecte)
- Comissió Europea (CE): 1.234.980,00 €
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