Detalls del projecte
Farmed seafood is an important source of protein for food and feeds with a low-carbon footprint which has an important role to play in helping to build a sustainable food system. A strategic and long-term approach for the sustainable growth of a resilient EU aquaculture is, therefore, more relevant today than ever. However, the efficient and cost-effective control of pathogens remains among the main challenges for the sector, particularly relevant for Europe, where there is a great variety of species and production systems, which hinders the implementation of good husbandry practices tailored to each aquatic species. Through active engagement with key stakeholders, Cure4Aqua aims to jointly improve the resilience of EU aquaculture under environmental, biological, and socio-economic stress, by improving aquatic animal health and welfare and supporting the environmentally friendly, inclusive, safe, and healthy production of seafood. Cure4Aqua will do so by 1) developing cost-effective vaccines to prevent disease caused by 5 pathogens of economic significance to EU aquaculture; 2) Identifying markers with diagnostic capacity to be integrated to selective breeding programs to improve stress and disease management; 3) Developing innovative, bio-based and sustainable solutions as an alternative to antibiotics for controlling fish pathogens at various life stages and alleviate the pressure of global antimicrobial resistance; 4) Developing new tools and technology to improve health and welfare monitoring at the fish farm level and diagnostics of fish pathogens both at the laboratory and the fish farm levels; 5) Placing fish welfare at the foreground of aquaculture production, through the development of high welfare standards that consider different life-stages, production systems, and knowledge of welfare needs, and 6) Ensuring effective external communication, dissemination and exploitation of project activities and results to all relevant target groups.
Acrònim | Cure4Aqua |
Estatus | Actiu |
Data efectiva d'inici i finalització | 1/11/22 → 30/04/27 |
Socis col·laboradors
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- Biology Centre CAS (Coordinador) (guia)
- RODGER HAMISH (VAI) (Soci projecte)
- ERINN Innovation Ltd (ERINN) (Soci projecte)
- Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Soci projecte)
- Technical University of Denmark (Danmarks Tekniske Universiteit) (Soci projecte)
- Universitat de Copenhaguen (UCPH) (Soci projecte)
- NOVAPTECH (Soci projecte)
- Panepistimio Kritis (University of Crete) (Soci projecte)
- Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) (Soci projecte)
- Sveuciliste u Splitu Medicinski Fakultet (MEFST) (Soci projecte)
- Instituto Politecnico de Leiria (Soci projecte)
- Aquatic Biologicals - Anonymi Etaireia (AB) (Soci projecte)
- Nordland Research Institute (Soci projecte)
- University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation (Soci projecte)
- Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques (CSIC) (Soci projecte)
- Galaxidi Marine Farm AE (GMF) (Soci projecte)
- Bioceanor (BIOC) (Soci projecte)
- Prorata Anonymi Etaireia Erevnos Koinis Gnomis Kai Efarmogon Epikoinas (PRO) (Soci projecte)
- Wylegarnia Ryb Dabie - Krzystof Grecki I Jacek Juchniewicz (DAB) (Soci projecte)
- Veterinaermedizinische Universitaet Wien (Soci projecte)
- Chulalongkorn University (Soci projecte)
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