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    Perfil personal

    Interessos en recerca

    The core research area I pursue is within the field of European integration, where I study EU policy effects on mass publics. The most recent publications focus on the impact of supranational redistribution on support for European integration and on the interplay of justice and solidarity in the EU. 

    My research also brings an original contribution to the fields of policy-making and implementation. In my most recent work I developed a theoretical model that analyses how policy stakeholders strategically act during the implementation of policies that may conflict with their values and goals.

    Educació / qualificació acadèmica

    Doctor/a, PhD in Political Science, Universitat Autòno de Barcelona

    Data d'adjudicació: 15 de febr. 2014

    DEA Political Science, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

    Data d'adjudicació: 1 de maig 2009

    Posicions externes

    Assistant Professor, Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionales


    Postdoctoral Fellow, Universität Bern



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