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GreenME: Advancing GReenCare in Europe: an integrated multi-scalar approach for the Expansion of Nature-based therapies to improve Mental health Equity
Cole , H. V. S. (PI), Triguero Mas, M. (Investigador/a Principal 2), Triguero Mas, M. (CoPI), Feliu Soler, A. (Investigador/a), Luciano Devis, J. V. (Investigador/a), Anguelovski, I. (PI), Anguelovski, I. (Investigador/a), Cayetano Giralt, M. (Project Manager), de Prado Bert, P. (Investigador/a), Litt, J. (Col.laborador/a) & Rossiter, K. (Col.laborador/a)
1/09/23 → 31/08/27
Projecte: Projecte Internacional de Recerca