Fig. 75. A–B. Camptomyces europaeus W in Laboulbeniomycetes (Fungi, Ascomycota) of Denmark

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Fig. 75. A–B. Camptomyces europaeus W.Rossi & Cesari. Mature thalli showing discharge pore of antheridium (arrow) and cells I, II, III. – C–E. Cantharomyces aploderi Huldén. Mature thalli. C. Cells I, II, III and primary septum (a) are labelled. D. Arrow points to darkening of cell II, "*" delimits flattened cells of appendage, a diagnostic character. E. Mature thallus. – F –G. Cantharomyces denigratus Thaxt. Mature thalli showing antheridium (an) and constriction of cell VI (arrow). Scale bars: 50 µm. Photographs from slides ZMUC C-F-123063 (A–B), ZMUC C-F-124179 (C–D), ZMUC C-F-124178 (E), ZMUC C-F-123548 (F–G).
Data disponible26 de nov. 2021

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