Fig. 7. Hydrophilomyces spp., mature thalli. A–B. H in Laboulbeniomycetes (Fungi, Ascomycota) of Denmark

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Fig. 7. Hydrophilomyces spp., mature thalli. A–B. H. coneglianensis Speg. Thallus from female (A) and from male hosts (B). – C. H. digitatus F.Picard. – D–E. H. gracilis T.Majewski. – F–G. H. hamatus T.Majewski. Abbreviations: acc = accessory cell; bf = buffer cells. Scale bars: 50 µm. Photographs from slides ZMUC C-F-122709 (A), ZMUC C-F-124088 (B), ZMUC C-F-124274 (C), ZMUC C-F-124043 (D–F), and ZMUC C-F-124042 (G).
Data disponible26 de nov. 2021

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