Fig. 6 in parasitised feathered dinosaurs as Cretaceous amber assemblages revealed

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Fig. 6 Hastisetae on the two deinocrotonid ticks preserved together and comparisons with extant Megatominae. a Hastiseta preserved with its spearshaped head entangled in a leg of the paratype male (AMNH Bu-SA5b). Scale bar, 0.1 mm. b Detail of the spear-shaped head of the hastiseta from a. c Hastiseta with the spear-shaped head (arrow) entangled in the holotype (AMNH Bu-SA5a). Scale bar, 0.05 mm. d Hastiseta with the spear-shaped head photographed from above entangled in the base of the right femur I of the paratype male. Scale bar, 0.05 mm. e Spear-shaped head magnified from d showing its six knobs. f Multi-segmented portion of a hastiseta, without preserved head, on the posterior body margin of the holotype (segments to the right are distal). Scale bar, 0.05 mm. g Extant larval cast-off skin after molt in dorsal view of the Megatominae genus Anthrenus (arrows indicate two of the hastisetal tufts on abdominal segments), which can be found in bird nests. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. h Several hastisetae from a posterior tuft from g. Scale bar, 0.05 mm. i Basal (left), middle and distal (right) multi-segmented sections of one hastiseta from h. Scale bar, 0.02 mm
Data disponible12 de des. 2017

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