Fig. 27. Laboulbenia spp. A–B. L. clivinalis Thaxt. A. Mature thallus. B in Laboulbeniomycetes (Fungi, Ascomycota) of Denmark

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Fig. 27. Laboulbenia spp. A–B. L. clivinalis Thaxt. A. Mature thallus. B. Three immature thalli showing the oblique and blackened septum separating basal and suprabasal cells of outer appendage (arrows), a diagnostic character. – C. L. collae T.Majewski. Mature thallus. Scale bars: 50 µm. Photographs from slides ZMUC C-F-122501 (A–B), ZMUC C-F-123503 (C).
Data disponible26 de nov. 2021

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