Fig. 2. A–C. Helodiomyces elegans F.Picard. A in Laboulbeniomycetes (Fungi, Ascomycota) of Denmark

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Fig. 2. A–C. Helodiomyces elegans F.Picard. A. Mature thallus with labelling of cells VI, VI' and VII. B–C. Details of perithecium, including ligules (li) in C. – D. Autoicomyces aquatilis (F.Picard) I.I.Tav.; mature thallus showing the perithecial outgrowth (arrow). – E. Autoicomyces humilis (Thaxt.) Thaxt.; mature thallus at the base of a host claw, and a sporeling on the right. – F–H. Ceratomyces pyrenaeus Santam.; mature thalli showing labelled perithecial excrescences (arrows in G). Scale bars: 50 µm. Photographs from slides ZMUC C-F-122583 (A–C), ZMUC C-F-122567 (D), ZMUC C-F-122566 (E), ZMUC C-F-123551 (F), and ZMUC C-F-123550 (G–H).
Data disponible26 de nov. 2021

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