This WOSCAP roundtable focused on the role of third parties in the promotion of the gender, peace and security agenda in mediation and dialogue processes. It aimed to reflect on lessons learned and good practices with the objective of strengthening the EU’s capacities in introducing a gender perspective to peace processes. For that aim, this event focused on one hand on the EU’s potential as a promoter of the gender, peace and security agenda in multi-track diplomacy, with special attention to lessons learned coming from EU’s experience as well as to civil society insights on this field. In order to contribute to EU’s capacities, this event also focused on experiences from other international actors in promoting the gender, peace and security agenda in dialogue processes. This roundtable gathered together local and international actors working on UNSCR 1325, EU’s approach to UNSCR 1325 and gender and multi-track diplomacy. Participants included academics, government representatives, practitioners and civil society.
Data disponible | 4 de febr. 2018 |